
What will Classroom be doing in the Summer holidays?

Classroom will be open for business throughout the summer break from 10 - 4 every day. I wanted to give you a taste of what we get up to during the break:

1) Registrations: The summer is a perfect time to join Classroom. Without the rush of the school term, we are…

New School Challenges for 2017/2018

There are several factors affecting the new academic year. Some are external pressures but there are also matters that have a real impact within the classroom. Let’s look at a few:


Interviews - On the Day

Interviews — On the Day!

Interview scenarios
Interviews for jobs generally involve a tour of the business and possibly some refreshment. You will probably be questioned by a panel. Each member of the panel should be introduced to you and…

10 Goals for Ofsted

10 Goals for Ofsted

I have just read a very interesting article from the Teaching Toolkit about steps that Ofsted could take to improve their monitoring within schools. You can read the article here

Now of course everybody…

When is the right time to jump?

When is the right time to jump?

Articles by ‘The Secret Teacher’ in the Guardian and various stories through the TES have mentioned the transformation some schools have been through with the push for Academisation. With that as a Launchpad, I want to write about the conditions that mean that…