
CV Writing Introduction!

This is a real introduction about the different aspects of your CV that you need to think about. I recommend reading this and then looking at the follow up article.

CV Writing Introduction!

Your CV is the gateway to employment. It is how you introduce yourself to your potential employer and an opportunity to make an excellent first impression. We strongly advise that you spend time adjusting your CV to make it specific to each job application. Given the competitive nature of the current job market it is imperative that you devote ample time to writing and perfecting your CV before your consultants can help you to enhance it (which they are happy to do!)



  • Most recent employment / qualifications always listed first (the whole CV should be in reverse chronological order)
  • Interests should always be at the end
  • Supporting statement should be at the top of the CV and concise (max 3 sentences!)
  • CV should be no longer than 3 pages


  • Always use action verbs when describing your duties and skills. Eg. Achieved, initiated, supervised, developed, presented, organized
  • Be specific as to which key stages you taught in each of your previous job roles as well as exam specifications (Edexel/AQA/OCR)
  • Use terminology relevant to the UK Eg. ‘year’ as opposed to ‘grade’
  • If you are a recent graduate with minimal experience, expand on your student teaching rounds or any teacher’s aide work you may have done.
  • In each job role, be sure to include pastoral roles and/or positions of responsibility. Eg. Yr 8 head of curriculum, 6TH form tutor, etc.
  • Interests are not necessary unless they are a) things that make you stand out from the crowd (eg. climbing Everest) b) relevant to education (eg. conferences you have attended, publications)


  • Font size, type and formatting should be consistent throughout
  • Avoid inserting textboxes
  • Avoid large gaps between headings. One or two lines is sufficient
  • Writing style should always be professional, grammatically correct, concise and to the point. Always proof read and do not rely on spell check.


Relevant - what makes YOU the right person for THIS position?

Concise - The shortest way of saying something is always the best way!

Consistent - Formatting and layout should be the same throughout. The easier your CV is to read the more likely your potential employer will read it though and request you for an interview!

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