New School Challenges for 2017/2018
Posted by modxadmin |
There are several factors affecting the new academic year. Some are external pressures but there are also matters that have a real impact within the classroom. Let’s look at a few:
Posted by modxadmin |
There are several factors affecting the new academic year. Some are external pressures but there are also matters that have a real impact within the classroom. Let’s look at a few:
Posted by modxadmin |
Posted by modxadmin |
‘Failure to prepare is preparing to fail.’
John Wooden.
The interview is an opportunity for both sides to gather the additional information needed before a commitment can be made. At this…
Posted by modxadmin |
We are always delighted to promote work done by our candidates and as such we want to tell you about a new book that Samantha Marsden has written about teaching drama, called, appropriately enough Teach Drama: how to make a living as a freelance…
Posted by modxadmin |
We have been hearing a lot from the government in the last week about grammar schools. Prime Minister May has personally made the case for the reintroduction of selective schools, citing the example of Kent, the only place in the country…
Posted by modxadmin |
First of all, I want to say a big hello and welcome back to everyone. I hope you have all had a fantastic summer break and you are looking forward to a new school year! Can you believe we are here already? If you are anything like me then your Facebook account…
Posted by modxadmin |
Classroom will be open for business throughout the summer break from 10 - 4 every day. I wanted to give you a taste of things that will be doing during this period to make sure that we in the best position to help you get as much work…
Posted by modxadmin |
Ryan Wilson in the Guardian writes about how to reduce marking. Here are his top 8 tips:
Marking was identified as the single biggest contributor to teachers’ unsustainable workload in the 2014…
Posted by modxadmin |
I have just listened to a presentation and one of the elements of it was the motivation that people have when considering new positions.
It boiled down to the following seven elements:
Posted by modxadmin |
Are you a teacher with a Tier 5 visa? Are you being let down by your current agency who promised you the world but have not delivered? Are you looking for just a bit more honesty in the work you get, the pay you get and the travel times required…